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Pocket Lore - Utah's Bermuda Triangle

#PocketLore - Utah's Bermuda Triangle

Sometimes news clippings found online seem too good to be true. With the only source for this article on ghostly and extraterrestrial happenings in Utah being a Tumblr account, this creepy clipping seems to be exactly that. 

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Pocket Lore and Weird News - Is There a "Bermuda Triangle" in Utah?

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COUNTY NEWS-Thursday, December 1, 2005- PAGE 3A

Is there a "Bermuda Triangle" in Utah?

By Allen Norman

Photo/R. Rogers

[Photo Image of West Interstate 70 sign. Captioned: Numerous accounts have been reported all over Utah since the 1960s of people observing unusual activity.]

Is the U.S. government hiding something we don't know about the nature of the disappearances that have been occurring in Utah? The residents have witnessed there belongings vanish and never see them again. The government refuses to recognize this and does not maintain an official stand on it.

Since the 1960s, the mystery has continued to attract attention. When you dig deeper into most cases, though, they're much less mysterious. Either they were never in the area to begin with, they were actually found, or there's a reasonable explanation for their disappearance.

There have been many bizarre incidents in Utah. At Big Creek witnesses claimed to have heard dogs barking and children shouting when neither dogs nor children were present.

In the Canyon Crest area, a parked vehicle rolled down a slope into the canyon more than one hundred feet below, killing nine people, including a young boy whose body has never been found. At least five other known fatalities have also occurred on this pass.

There have been nine cattle mutilations in Utah this year The bodies horribly mutilated as if with surgical precision eyes removed, innards gone, the skin grotesquely peeled away. The predator, or predators, have left no footprints to reveal their identities and no blood stains on the earth to speak to the slaughter.

In some mutilation cases, the cows entire insides appear to have vanished. A horse was found skinned, its tongue, lips and anus had been removed. Strangely, no bullets were found which leads to the possibility that the horse might have been stabbed.

But Utah seems to have a special affinity for these strange events. In 1966, the very first animal mutilation, the strange killing of a horse known as Thunder occurred. Thunder's strange death lead the way to recent mutilations, with no evidence to be found.

Many ranchers believe that aliens are behind these mutilations and extraterrestrials are still offered up today as an explanation for these bizarre events. Skeptics counter that the attacks are caused by predator animals (despite the lack of tracks) and insects. They have no explanation as to why the carcasses of only certain animals show these strange effects or why ranchers, who presumably are familiar with a variety of cattle death, find these specific deaths to be out of the ordinary.

The residents of southwestern Utah experienced an intense, un- imaginable bright flash of light which lit the area brighter than daylight for 2-3 seconds. At the same time, people from all across western Utah began calling the UFO hotlines reporting their sightings of an unidentified object travelling overhead. Most reported a hovering ball of light.

A crowd of 12 stargazers were shocked when a mysterious UFO was spotted hovering in the sky in rural Utah. Eyewitnesses recall it hovering for half an hour in the clear night sky on Saturday. The witnesses describe the object as moving extremely slowly, not like a plane. The unidentified flying objects lit up the otherwise clear night sky on Saturday. Nobody knows where it came from and nobody saw it land anywhere.

A ranch in the Uintah Basin region is rich in UFO sightings, hauntings and bizarre happenings. The boom in UFO sightings in recent months, observed during both day and nighttime hours is not an isolated incident. Numerous ac- counts have been reported all over the US of people observing unusual activity. In the stable there has been reported activity such as strange knockings, apparitions, and people reporting the feeling of being touched.

A cluster of paranormal activity has been reported an another ranch in Colorado. Witnesses report sightings of strange humanoid entities and UFOs. The US government is interested in the site because of since the incredible and strange phenomena that has been. reported. Reports of mysterious balls of light and a supposed active inter-dimensional portal.

Another highly active location at a ranch in Colorado has been a focus of many paranormal researchers. Strange orange light orbs have been reported to have been spotted, and two horses appeared one morning with strange and unusual markings on them. Researchers feel that the paranormal activity is a mix of both intelligent entities as well as residual paranormal impressions in the environment.

Strange lights that appear bright and then fade away and unexplained fireballs that streak through darkened skies. During the 1960s numerous UFOs were sighted as well as reports. The objects seen most frequently there are the 'ball of light type UFOs rather than those that resemble metallic craft.

Unexplained cattle mutilations are thought to be related to the alien abduction phenomenon. The mutilations are reported in the vicinity of reported abductions and UFO sightings with bizarre and gruesome reports attached to them.



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