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Showing posts from January, 2024

Pocket Lore - Utah's Bermuda Triangle

#PocketLore - Utah's Bermuda Triangle Sometimes news clippings found online seem too good to be true. With the only source for this article on ghostly and extraterrestrial happenings in Utah being a Tumblr account , this creepy clipping seems to be exactly that.  Watch the research stream highlights Watch the full stream - members only View more Pocket Lore Article Text: Text was created using Google Lens. Some errors may have occurred during the image-to-text process. COUNTY NEWS-Thursday, December 1, 2005- PAGE 3A Is there a "Bermuda Triangle" in Utah? By Allen Norman Photo/R. Rogers [Photo Image of West Interstate 70 sign. Captioned: Numerous accounts have been reported all over Utah since the 1960s of people observing unusual activity.] Is the U.S. government hiding something we don't know about the nature of the disappearances that have been occurring in Utah? The residents have witnessed there belongings vanish and never see them again. The government refuses to

The Legend of Zombie Road

The Legend of Zombie Road Ghost Children, Indigenous American Burial Grounds, Train Accidents, Serial Killers, and a Screaming Old Ghost Lady? Sign me up! Location: Wildwood, St. Louis County, Missouri With reports of ghost children, orbs, serial killers, Indigenous American ghosts, zombies (?!?!), and more, Zombie Road AKA Rock Hollow Trail, located in Wildwood, MO (in St. Louis County), is considered one of the most haunted roads in America...but is it? The Lore Reports of paranormal activity on Zombie Road vary from experience to experience. Some people hear footsteps following them, there are reports of rocks being thrown, orbs caught on camera and seen firsthand by people, shadow people, and so much more. And because of all these reports, it’s easy to see why people consider it one of the most haunted roads in the United States. As there are a lot of reports and origin stories dating back to the 1800s, not to mention the location has a dozen names or so, I will try my best to orga