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The Legend of America's Most Haunted Cemetery

The Legend of America's Most Haunted Cemetery

That's rather ominous, isn't it? Not just any cemetery, but the most haunted one. It's got to be a rather large cemetery, right? Surely it can't contain only around 200 graves for it to be the most haunted. But that is the spooky truth, this cemetery is tiny but mighty!

So let's head to Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Midlothian, Illinois (which if you are geographically challenged like the Lily, it's about 40 minutes from Chicago according to Google Maps) and see what the fuss is all about.

Big shout-out to my buddy Kurt for suggesting this one. I always love hearing where y'all want me to research, so if you have a suggestion, please let me know!

The Lore

Now, being as this is a super haunted cemetery, I might not hit all the lore associated with Bachelor's Grove. I am also not going to put everything into one post as that is just evil to read in one sitting and honestly, it might never get written. So instead, I am going to link each ghostly tale below as they are posted. I also don't have complete research as some days I only had a pocket of time to research and recording it takes time. It is what it is and I may have a fix for that in the future. (Subscribe to email updates and stay in the Lily Loop!)

One of the more interesting bits of lore surrounding Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is the existence of a floating house. Never seen in the same spot twice, is there a spectral home floating around the graveyard, or is there a perfectly logical explanation for this phantom phenomenon?

The Yellow Man of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery was first seen in 1984 and has reportedly been photographed on multiple occasions. Is this dapper gent a collective figment of our imaginations, or is he just another resident of America's most haunted cemetery?

The Hookman urban legend is one we all know but did this legend start at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery? The lore of the Caretaker has ties to the Disappearing House, doppelgangers, and a theory that Lily wants to explore more...

The Research

Individual Videos

If you don't want to sit through the whole playlist, here are the videos in their upload order!


Day 1 Research

The Disappearing House Wrap-Up

The Yellow Man - Day 1 Research

The Yellow Man - Day 2 Research 

The Yellow Man - Wrap-Up 


The Hook and The Caretaker Research - Day 1

The Hook and The Caretaker Research - Day 2

The Hook and The Caretaker Research - Day 3

The Hook and The Caretaker - Wrap-Up

Until next time, lore lovers, stay spooky💖


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Header Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

The Legend of America's Most Haunted Cemetery: Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery


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