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Showing posts from June, 2023

Pocket Lore - Macon, TX

#PocketLore - Macon, TX This is an interesting piece and I share it not because it can be verified but because it can't. Maybe it was part of a movie or something but... June 7, 1942, was a Sunday, and according to Google Lens, that is John Marshal High School in LA .  I had my doubts because the type looked too clean, so I looked into it a bit more. Proof you can't always trust the internet. For a piece of actual history though, June 7, 1942, was the day the Battle of Midway ended. View more Pocket Lore

The Lore of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery - The Disappearing House

The Lore of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery - The Disappearing House One of the more interesting bits of lore surrounding Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is the existence of a floating house. Never seen in the same spot twice, is there a spectral home floating around the graveyard, or is there a perfectly logical explanation for this phantom phenomenon? Watch the wrap-up video here. The Lore Depending on the video you see or book you read, the disappearing house in Bachelor's Grove has some slight variations, but the basics are simple: a one- or two-story home is seen by a cemetery visitor. When they look to see it again, it's vanished. It is often described as having a light in a window and a fog-like mist may or may not appear with it. Reports of seeing the house date back as far as the 1950s with most of the stories happening during the 1960s and 1970s but as recent as 2015. Quick side note - If you saw day 1 of my research , you know two of my books contain the same exact infor

The Legend of America's Most Haunted Cemetery

The Legend of America's Most Haunted Cemetery That's rather ominous, isn't it? Not just any cemetery, but the most haunted one. It's got to be a rather large cemetery, right? Surely it can't contain only around 200 graves for it to be the most haunted. But that is the spooky truth, this cemetery is tiny but mighty! So let's head to Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Midlothian, Illinois (which if you are geographically challenged like the Lily, it's about 40 minutes from Chicago according to Google Maps) and see what the fuss is all about. Big shout-out to my buddy Kurt for suggesting this one. I always love hearing where y'all want me to research, so if you have a suggestion, please let me know ! The Lore Now, being as this is a super haunted cemetery, I might not hit all the lore associated with Bachelor's Grove. I am also not going to put everything into one post as that is just evil to read in one sitting and honestly, it might never get written. S

Pocket Lore - Point Pleasant, WV

#PocketLore - Point Pleasant, WV I think most of us in the horror and lore communities are familiar with the Mothman who was seen from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. This isn't dated but based on the upload source , it was originally printed on Wednesday, November 30, 1966. View more Pocket Lore

Pocket Lore - Short Street Police Station

#PocketLore - Short Street Police Station Once upon a time, there was something or someone haunting the Short Street Police Station. I am guessing based on the people mentioned in the Program for Reception, this is Chicago's Short Street. View more Pocket Lore  

Pocket Lore - Woodbury, NJ

#PocketLore - Woodbury, NJ Several years after the original Jersey Devil was reportedly captured, a similar creature was sighted and may have been Jersey Devil, Jr. View more Pocket Lore