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Showing posts from May, 2023

Pocket Lore - Peoria County, IL

#PocketLore - Peoria County, IL On March 6th of an unknown year, E.C. Beck of Chillicothe, IL complained of a ghost disturbing his sleep for two weeks straight. View more Pocket Lore  

Pocket Lore - Skamania County, WA

#PocketLore - Skamania County, WA In March of 1969, a local fisherman sees an ape-like creature (or as we like to say - Bigfoot) around 4am in Skamania County in Washington. View more Pocket Lore  

Pocket Lore - Sault Ste. Marie

  #PocketLore - Sault Ste. Marie Not sure if this is technically Sault Ste. Marie in Canada or the United States, but this comes from the Canadian Press in December of an unknown year about the appearance of the ghost ship known as "Ghost of the Lambton." View more Pocket Lore

Announcement Time!

Announcement time! I wanted to do my usual "here's what's up next" video, but they are pressure washing the building across from me, so it's noisy and I don't want to sit on this much longer. The next stop on our research journey is...... Bachelor's Grove Cemetery - which may be considered America's most haunted cemetery - in Midlothian, Illinois! I usually stay away from the really popular legends, but I don't know much of anything about this one. If you have any personal experiences and would like me to include them, please send them to me! You know the Lily will never try to debunk your personal experiences because I know you would never lie to me. Big shoutout to my buddy Kurt for this suggestion! After we leave Illinois, it's time to move on to Michigan! Sault Ste. Marie is a border town on the water and is rich in ghosty lore (in fact, I have a piece of #PocketLore dropping Friday about it). I'm not sure how many stories we will hi

The Legend of the Siren of the French Broad River

The Legend of the Siren of the French Broad River Alluring Cherokee Cryptid or Just a Bunch of Babble? Location: Asheville, North Carolina Both a well-known and seemingly obscure legend, the Siren of the French Broad River is considered a Cherokee legend and has been making the rounds with non-Cherokee locals since 1845. Watch my research process and wrap-up videos here. The Lore Along the French Broad River, just east of Asheville, NC, weary male travelers have reported hearing a beautiful song and seeing a woman beckoning them from the water. If they are not careful, they fall into her arms and are pulled under the waters of the river, never to be seen again. In some tellings, the man falls victim immediately while in others, the siren visits him in his dreams over the course of 3 nights before luring him into the icy waters of the river. Aleksandra  Waliszewska . 2011. Gouache on paper. First Written Telling William Gilmore Simms was the first to publish the story of the siren, &quo

Pocket Lore - Ojai Valley, CA

#PocketLore - Ojai Valley, California Before there was the "Char-Man" of Ojai Valley, CA, there was the "Monkey-Man" who terrorized local housewives, killed chickens, and destroyed corn patches View more Pocket Lore