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Showing posts from September, 2022

The Legend of What's Beneath Lake Norman's Waters

Photo by Leslie Cross on Unsplash The Legend of What's Beneath Lake Norman's Waters Man-Made Lake. Flooded Communities. Nuclear Power. Aliens. *Oh god... Did something just touch my foot?!?!?!* Location: Lake Norman, North Carolina Deep in the heart of North Carolina lies her largest man-made lake covering 32,750 acres and hiding forgotten communities, farms, homes, and cemeteries. You might think today’s lore is about a haunted lake given that knowledge, but it’s not. Today’s tale features the legend of Normie, the unknown lake monster living deep in Lake Norman’s extra toasty waters. Before we get started today, can I just say how DISAPPOINTED I AM in my home state for having a lake on top of old cemeteries and not one haunted swim spot? I am so disappointed and sad. You failed me, North Carolina. You broke my ghostie lovin’ heart. It’s like getting a glass of unsweet tea when you asked for iced tea at the local diner. Like it’s not the worst, but where’s the sweet stuff? Bu