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Showing posts from July, 2022

"Prune-Faced Woman" Reader Story Submission

"Prune-Faced Woman" Reader Story Submission Location: New Mexico This story comes from one of my good buddies over on Twitter and y'all, it's a damn good one. So grab a cup of coffee, turn down the lights and your device brightness, and settle in for the amazing story of the prune-faced woman... Edited for clarification, spelling, and layout. "Prune-Faced Woman" Where I live, the houses are spread out. Lot of Cedar trees, lot of open space surrounded by mesas. And I just happen to live down the road from a cemetery. Things do go bump in the night as one would imagine. My neighbors seem to ignore it, or they just don't have anyone to bother them. Sometimes in the middle of the night, even in midday, I'll hear knocking at our door, tapping at our windows. This all ties to events that happened in my childhood which I could explain in detail in another story. Stuff like this comes in waves. It's calm most of the time, then some months it's never

Lily Reads! Belle Weather: Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Scattered Hissy Fits

Lily Reads! from Belle Weather: Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Scattered Hissy Fits  by Celia Rivenbark Full disclaimer - Any links below may be affiliate/sales links and any purchase you make will result in a a small commission to me at no cost to you. To read the extra fine print, check out my  T&C  and  privacy policy . This is the recording that brought me to my knees laughing and encouraged me to start this fun little journey of Lily's Lore and Legends. Have a listen and have a laugh, because I know I did making my accent as, ahem, accented as I did. 😉 Purchase  Belle Weather: Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Scattered Hissy Fits  on Amazon (affiliate link) Until next time lore lovers, stay spooky💖 ~Lily Submit your Stories and Suggestions Subscribe for Post Updates Support the Blog Follow Lily's Lore & Legends on Twitter